Eventide- 31

Adorable Critters- 1

I am here with a new series- Adorable critters.
I know…the caption evokes images of certain animals. But all critters are adorable in some way or other. In this series birds and bugs are not included

Eastern fox squirrel

Arboreal habit

The fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) are large tree squirrels with grey and black fur on its back and rusty (rufous) fur on its belly. They are found throughout the eastern and central United States.
They prefer a wide variety of foods, ranging from fruits, seeds, nuts- like acorn, hickory, walnut, mulberry- to insects and small animals.
These agile critters prefer to spend most of the time on trees and forage on the ground for fallen fruits or to locate the nuts and seeds that they have buried. When squirrels bury seeds and forget them, these seeds are likely to sprout where they were placed. Thus they play an important role in seed dispersal.

Enjoying plums
Searching for the buried nuts