Patterns and Shapes in Nature- 7


Succulents are plants with adaptations to thrive in arid conditions. They have swollen and fleshy leaves.
Most of the succulents show very interesting patterns in the arrangement of leaves or spines on their fleshy stem. Many times, leaves are arranged in a rosette pattern, giving the plant a floral appearance.
Aeonium, the tree houseleeks, have leaves typically arranged in rosettes around central axis at the end of stems.
Sempervivum, the houseleeks, are succulent perennials forming mats composed of tufted leaves in rosettes.
With its pinkish-grey succulent leaves in rosette form, Mother-of-pearl-plant (
Graptopetalum paraguayense) is also called β€˜Porcelain plant’.
All the three plants belong to the family Crassulaceae.


Smile of Earth- 21

Cosmos flowers

Cosmos plants are cousins of daisy and marigold, and belong to the huge Asteraceae family.
These attractive flowers bring an explosion of colours to the garden landscape with white, red, yellow, orange, pink and various shades of these colours. Cosmos are annual flowers that are borne by long slender stalks.
Blooming throughout the summer, they attract birds, bees and butterflies to the garden. Cosmos are easily grown from seeds and even survive in poor soil conditions.
Though these are mainly grown as ornamental plants, traditionally they were used in indigenous medicines and certain culinary preparations. Cosmos flowers also yield dyes.
Cosmos flowers are said to symbolize order and harmony, due to the flower’s harmonious petals. The flower is also viewed as symbolizing tranquility, peace, innocence and love