Friends in My Garden- 27

Purple-rumped Sunbird

Purple-rumped sunbird (male)

These cute little birdies are my companions in the garden; twittering and feeding on the nectar of Hibiscus flowers, flowers of Moringa tree and others.

The purple-rumped sunbird (Leptocoma zeylonica) is endemic to the Indian Subcontinent. They feed mainly on nectar but sometimes take insects, particularly when feeding young. These sunbirds build a hanging nest with cobwebs, lichens and plant materials.

Males are brightly coloured but females are olive grey above and yellow to buff below. I see them always in pairs and the couple has built a nest on a tree next to my home. They are very agile and keep moving all the while!

The female bird
Collecting material for the nest
The nest

17 thoughts on “Friends in My Garden- 27

  1. Splendid shots! I liked the first and second shot so much. Small but good write up. These cute birds do enter the drawing room of our age old farm house to eat spiders and insects after drinking nectar from our garden!!!

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